
>> 21 September 2010

I actually do believe in coincidences.  I believe that God is still active in the world, and probably even (since my theology says so) that He knows what's going to happen to us...  But by virtue of the fact that He gave us free will, I also believe in real, genuine, true coincidences.

Shortly after I posted my first sermon here (Why Can't We All Be So Lucky), a "coincidence" happened.  My dad works with a man who's currently in the army, but is considering going back to school - seminary.  They're office-mates at work, so my dad overheard this man talking to his mentor on the phone about "How do you know you've been called to ministry?"

If you've read the sermon, you know it was all about finding your call, and having the faith to deal with it.  I have to add here something I didn't put into the sermon.  Not everyone has just one call - sometimes God has many roads for you, depending on where you are in life.  But the main point is, I wrote the sermon the same week as this man was struggling with his calling, and my dad was able to overhear the phone call (and [sorry dad] my father doesn't have the best hearing).  Apparently, my sermong did mean something to the guy.  I don't know if it helped him reconcile what he was feeling at all, but if it provided even the least bit of comfort, well?  You've got to think this is one of those coincidences God might have had a hand in.


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