A Sermon: Why Can't We All Be So Lucky

>> 19 August 2010

I preached a sermon tonight loosely inspired by 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and Matthew 9:9-13

Hearing God's call, and the faith we have to maintain. You may not agree with it all, or even like it all (meh, I'm not sure I even do), but it's the first one I've done in a long time, so give me some credit!

What I'm going to link to appears to be a full manuscript, and really could be used as one, but I didn't stick totally true to it, so just play some random Mad-Libs with it, or something.

Click here to read!

Twas approximately 12 minutes, if you're curious.



>> 14 August 2010

Prayer takes many forms, but few question its importance to the practice of Christianity (or almost any religion, for that matter).  John Wesley, in particular, emphasized disciplined prayer as a "Means of Grace."  I've never been particularly good at remembering to pray - in a disciplined manner or otherwise.  In fact, they usually take this form - when I remember:

Please Please Please
Help Help Help
Sorry God
You know what I want/need/etc better than I do
(You know who needs help better than I do)
I only remember that last line when I'm in a particularly unselfish mood, because I admit that I'm pretty bad about thinking about others.

Recently, however, I found myself being prayed over (twice) in a "Prophetic Prayer Tent."  Both times, two different groups of...  of pray-ers?  Praying folk?  Two different groups found their way to telling me to embrace my joy - one telling me how they see me ladling a constant supply of joy out to the world, the other seeing me spinning in a field with Jesus, like children at play.  So, right.  Joy.  I'm inclined to be a skeptic about these things - especially because I don't see myself as joyful - but I did see these people skillfully read other folk I know.  Clearly they're well trained, and perhaps God really does use them for some prophetic messages.

Then, this past Thursday, I was asked to be one-half of a prayer team at a healing service following a Communion service.  That forced me to tap into a level of belief I've always struggled with.  Absolutely God healed, and absolutely there are supposed to have been miracles throughout our history - but for my prayer to be healing prayer?  I mean, I know it's not my ACTION - it's God's action.  But I still have to believe it, for the sake of the people I'm praying over, and annointing.

I suppose, ultimately, these past couple of weeks have been a healthy test of my faith...  I can say decent non-scripted prayers, but at some point I have to move my discipline and belief beyond the Lord's Prayer (Our Father).  (And for you Catholics, the Hail Mary.)


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