My Brain on Exhaustion

>> 15 July 2010

I have friends who put up with my random ramblings, believe it or not.  Sue tends to tolerate my whining, in large part because I tolerate hers.  Usually.  Instant messenger conversations usually wind up being the most bizarre, but sometimes they truly embody the way I'm feeling.

 Me: so's it September?

Sue: not yet
Sue: sorry

Me: dang

Sue: yeah

Me: August?

Sue: nope, not yet, either

Me: dang
Me: bed time?

Sue: could be... if you were in India

Me: hm
Me: I declare it nap time
Me: or I declare it India
Me: but I think the former is easier
Me: though Columbus sure tried the latter

Sue: and look where that got us

Me: where?

Sue: here
Sue: where it still isn't India
Sue: or September

Me: or bed time

Sue: exactly
Sue: so it's all Columbus' fault

Me: d*mn Columbus
Me: it's all his fault

That's not a picture of India.  Or even America. It's Bosnia.  It's just a pretty cave with pretty spring water.  Don't ask me to make sense.


Siddhartha Herdegen 24/7/10 11:59 AM  

Is this poetry or a real conversation? Either way I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Cassie 24/7/10 9:19 PM  

I'd love to claim this as poetry... Maybe I should start marketing all such conversations that way!

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