My Lent... and Beyond

>> 17 February 2010

Something that's big in Christianity is taking care of God's creations. We preach taking care of the environment/earth/animals/other humans... But what about taking care of ourselves? Sure, there are definitely those out there who remind us that we should do this for God, but Christians aren't overly good on following through on this.

John Wesley, and his fellow early Methodists, were big on taking care of the body - sort of. He believed in only sleeping just as much as necessary (for him, that was rumored to be 4 hours a night; I know I need more than that). He wanted his preachers to 'exercise,' and to ride horses (I guess as opposed to carriage?) through their circuits. They weren't supposed to overeat, or indulge in various unhealthies...

For years, I've struggled with being healthy... So perhaps it's time to come at it from a different perspective. I don't do it for me, and I don't do it for other people... So what if I do it for God? Lent seems to be as good a time as any to start - living healthy is, in a sense, making a sacrifice. To that end, I've added a couple of tickers to my blog. One's for my weight loss (goal of about 100 lbs, or 45.5 kg), and the other is for a running program I'm starting: Couch to 5K (I've done it before, about 3 years ago, and had GOOD success, but never finished). Eventually, I'll hopefully move beyond the 5K!


yourillusion 17/2/10 9:10 AM  

Good luck with your goals! I need to get back into working out too. New job = gym is far away = nooo motivation to go! Good luck!

Cassie 17/2/10 8:27 PM  

Ironically, we talked a bit about this at community lunch today (after I'd posted)... People tend to forget the 'body' part of 'mind, body, spirit.'

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