What is my Identity?

>> 12 February 2010

With thanks to one of my Methodist Polity professors...

Scratch a United Methodist in New England, you'll find a Congregationalist
Scratch a United Methodist in the South, you'll find a Southern Baptist

I can't rightly argue with either of these statements; in fact, they're what has made it so hard for me to find comfortable fits in both regions. Despite having spent the majority of my life in either New England or Georgia, I can say - fairly passionately - that I am neither a pseudo-Congregationalist, nor (especially) a pseudo-Southern Baptist.

So what does that mean for my faith identity? I suppose I don't rightly know. I'm not sure I'm a true United Methodist either, after all the work we've been doing reading the Book of Discipline. I think (and this realization kind of whacked me over the head and made me see stars) that there's too much Catholic in me. I wish I could blame my lovely Catholic high school for that, but I can't. It's all me. And you know, even that doesn't fully sum it up, because there's a wee bit of Unitarian Universalist, too. There's just no good answer.

In other news: pristine white snow, crisp clean air, sunny blue skies, and old New England homes... Yesterday morning was so totally why I came back north. Thank you, Mother Nature (and, I suppose, God, since I'm supposed to be a good seminarian), for reminding me.


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