Jesus' Baptism

>> 13 January 2010

In chapel tomorrow (well, today, now) I'm giving a prayer. It's the first community chapel of the new semester, and the sermon will be on the baptism of Jesus. The second half of my prayer is a combination of the "same" prayer taken from a number of different faiths (though the base of what I used is the Methodist version). Simple prayer, really, but I thought I'd include it, since this is the blog of a seminarian...

Eternal God,

As we gather together today, we pray that you watch over our community as we move into a new semester. We pray that you be with those both near and far who are suffering from natural disaster, economic hardship, and other injustices.

(We give Thanks that) At the baptism of Jesus, you revealed him to be your Son, and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: may we recognize him as our Lord and Savior, and know ourselves to be your beloved children. Keep all who are born of water and the Spirit faithful to their calling as your people; through Jesus Christ our Lord,



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