Grove? What Grove?

>> 29 July 2010

I took a job this summer as a youth director (official title: Senior Chapel Leader) at Asbury Grove Camp Meeting.*       

*I keep trying to type "Asburgy..."

This is a 150 year old traditional Methodist Campground, and I get to build experience working with youth on Bible studies, fundraisers, fun events, devotions, etc.  I also get to live part time at the Grove and participate in alllllll social activities.

Including Fourth of July egg tosses.  The chaplain and I were like the fourth or fifth pair left standing (out of about 15-20), but then he chucked the egg at my feet...

In less than a week, I'll be taking the kids to a revival/Christian music festival (SoulFest), and then a week after that the "real" camp meeting here at the Grove starts.

In the meantime, did you know that continuous-spray, spray-on aloe mist/gel gives you a Captain Kirk like sheen?  This PSA brought to you by my sunburn, Salisbury Beach, spray on aloe gel, and Star Trek: TOS.*

*Except not really, because only my sunburn knows who I am, and it doesn't appreciate me or my humor.


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