Church Attendance

>> 18 April 2010

Study: US Still a Church-Going Nation

Actually a rather ridiculous article.  It'll probably just make you dummer.  But it does bring up some interesting points:

  • Under-developed nations tend to be more religious.
  • Women tend to be more religious.
  • In the US, the south tends to be more religious.
  • People think religion is dead in the US.
  1. This article attempts to debunk the last point (and fails miserably).  I actually agree with its conclusion, though.  The "mainstream" Protestants aren't doing all that great, which is why we think religion is dead...  But other denominations are flourishing.  Somehow, the mainstream churches just need to figure out how to tap into that.
  2. I've lived in the south.  I've lived in the northeast.  The south has more "mainstream" Protestants.  I wouldn't say the northeast is lacking in religion, though.  It's just different.  I can't speak too well for the rest of the country...
  3. As for women and under-developed countries, the article brings up something important.  Education.  When you get educated, and get jobs, etc, you stop going to church.  Why is this?  No, really, I'm asking.  Why?


Sometimes, You Get a Big Pile of Steaming Life

I changed my blog title. Again :)
I think this one better reflects who I am and what I'm about.
Which, obviously, is forgetting to post on my blog.
I overslept today, despite my best intentions to go to Church, so I'm updating this instead.

So, what's coming in the near future?
1. The second set of pictures from my summer trip out west.
2. The pictures from my Seminary Singers trip down the coast.
3. Reflections on the year at large (yawn?)
4. Thoughts for the year ahead.
5. More posting? (hope?) No promises, clearly I suck.

RE #5, and the title... Sometimes life just happens. So go with it. Make of it what you can.


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